The Nuc Scout monitors the local dose rate as well as the activity of up to twenty-eight user-selectable nuclides. The results are available as time distribution over the whole sampling period. The sampling interval can be adjusted by the user. A complete energy spectrum is saved for each interval on the internal memory card.
The unit is equipped with an integrated GPS receiver, which allows the local assignment of the acquired data.
The Nuc Scout can be calibrated by the user, so by the way it is possible to determine the detector efficiency for any sampling geometry which can be used later on.
The instrument could be optionally equipped with a ZigBee wireless network interface to transfer recent data over several hundred meters to a “base station” computer.
Typical applications are searching for hidden radioactive sources, screening of large contaminated areas based on GIS solutions, process
monitoring, tests of building materials or food, and nuclear medicine.
The robust and handsome 2” x 2” NaI detector is fixed to the ergonomic handle, while the electronic box can be removed from the handle by a bayonet catch. This allows the user to place the detector in any position to the radioactive source. A sampling table for operation with Marinelli beakers is available. The large detector volume results in a low detection limit so that even weak sources can be found. The wide touch screen makes the operation of the unit comfortable and shows results and spectra even in bright sunlight.
The Nuc Scout offers two different algorithms for the activity calculation of several nuclides. The user may decide between the powerful PSV (peak shape verification) algorithm and the well-known trapezoid method (e.g. for calibration purposes).
Included in the delivery is a comprehensive software package for data download, result presentation, data export, and instrument configuration. A number of tools offer a fast, easy, and intuitive detector calibration based on reference sources (energy, peak-width, efficiency) as well as complete library management. Remote control of the unit is possible via the integrated USB or wireless network.